This month, children everywhere will be headed back to school! Below are resources and tips that can help you prepare your kids for a happy and healthy start to the new school year.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is important to ensure regular check-ups and preventive care such as immunizations and dental care, as well as emergency treatment, for children.

  • Florida KidCare: There is no charge for Medicaid for children (KidCare Medicaid). For other Florida KidCare programs, monthly premiums depend on your household’s size and income. Most families pay $15 or $20 a month. Update: Florida has removed the five year waiting period for legally residing immigrant children to be eligible for Florida KidCare & Medicaid! Now, more kids can get covered! For more information, please call 786-391-2027 or email

  • Community Health Centers: They provide primary medical and dental care to people of all ages, whether or not you have health insurance. Services include immunizations, checkups, dental care, prescription drugs, and mental health services. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Visit to find a Health Center near you.

  • Affordable Care Act and Children: Please keep in mind that students going to college can remain on their parent’s health insurance policy until the age of 26 because of new provisions under the Affordable Health Act. For more information, please contact the HCSF at 786-708-0836 or text ACA HELP to 41411.

Check-Ups and Immunizations

School entry may require documentation of immunization records, so be sure to contact your school ahead of time to find out what might be required, and be sure to bring any school forms for your healthcare provider to fill out and sign. Miami-Dade County Health Department provides free vaccines to all children (0 - 18 years) that visit their clinics because of the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, a public/private partnership that is federally financed while administered by the State of Florida. For more information, click here.

Still have back-to-school shopping items on your list?

Additional Resources
