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Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative 

May Steering Committee Meeting

Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360

Participant Code: 110 #






Dr. Marie Etienne, Maray Salina, Leonor Pupo, Natasha Carr, Chris Varela, Cara Kondaki, Wendie Nemeroff, Dinah Trevil, Rachelle Theodore, Tenesha Avent



SFCCC Co-Chair, Maray Salina greeted the members to the SFCCC Steering Committee meeting. 



Workgroup Updates:

SFCCC Workgroup updates were provided are as follows:


Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group

Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group Leaders will provide an update during the next Steering Committee meeting.


Risk Reduction Work Group

Risk Reduction Work Group Leaders will reconvene with the Risk Reduction Work Group members and

provide and update during the next Steering Committee meeting.



Disparities Work Group

Chris Varela, Disparities Work Group leader, noted due to challenges and increased responsibilities in response to the COVID-19 virus, the Disparities Work Group has not been able to schedule a meeting. The Disparities Work Group meeting will be schedule in the coming days.



Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group

Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group leaders will provide an update during the next Steering Committee meeting.



New Business:

  1. 2020-2025 Florida State Cancer Plan

    1. Members discussed each objective in the “Goals at a Glance” Strategic Plan document and provided feedback on the priority areas for the Southeast Region.  

  2. Brainstorm Session

    1. Members discussed the importance of utilizing social media and virtual support groups and educational sessions to keep the community engaged with the SFCCC efforts. 

    2. ​

 3. June Quarterly Meeting- TBA

 4.  CCRAB Meeting- Member were encourages to participate in the CCRAB meeting being held on Friday, May 29, 2020.



Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.  The next Steering Committee meeting will be announced in the coming days..


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